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Site Survey

Limited to 2500 Square Feet of interior space - A building survey from NYDA will survey the existing conditions, photograph the existing conditions and prepare detailed CAD drawings of the existing conditions for the design phase. NYDA will locate all utilities and provide actual square footage area of the space.NYDA will re-survey the as-built conditions and document minor deviations from approved drawings prior to inspection. Due diligence report: NYDA will research Department of Building Records for DOB and ECB violations, Certificates of Occupancy and previous plans of the space. NYDA will review pertinent building codes and zoning text and material and report findings. As-built survey: These deviations typically include, plumbing fixture count, door swing changes and EUP card serial numbers. NYDA will revised drawings with updated information for re-submittal. Survey is limited to 4 hour site visit and 4 hour drawing time. (additional fees will apply for surveys exceeding 4 hours)


Site Survey

  • Surveys are for vacant spaces during to normal buisness hours.Exclusive of printing and city fees.

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